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Shipping Starts February 2024
These rain lilies are an Amaryllis relative native to the Americas. Great outdoors in the south, excellent for indoor pots and plants. Tolerates any soil type. EASY to grow. Blooms several times each summer, after heavy rains (hence their common name "Rain Lily").
Plant Height: 8-10 inches or 20-25 cm
Bloom Time: Summer and early Fall
Plant one inch deeper than the top of the bulb, the plant will pull itself down to the optimum depth. Rain lilies tolerate and can do well in swampy comditions but do best in well drained soil. Full sun to part shade, they handle full sun in Arizona but are happier with a little shade. Water deeply when first planted, then once or twice a month if your area doesn't get regular rain fall, thier foilage will start getting droopy if they need moisture. They make excellent pot plant.
Zones 8-11, elsewhere dig and store for the winter.