About Us
About Us

Hello!  I'm Aaron; the founder of Edens Blooms.  

I am grateful to be able to do something that I love.  It can be hard work to keep everything going, but I like helping people grow the best flowers available.  Our business is small enough that most of the time you deal directly with one of us.  We keep our prices low because we are down to earth people who who want to give the best value for whatever you spend with us.

Back in school I studied genetics and nursing.  I chose this field because it has tremendous potential.  We are working to develop some new flower varieties for gardens.  Any extra resources (after basic living and business expenses) go toward our hybridizing efforts.

We try and ship on mondays, but it can take up to 2 weeks for orders to ship. if anythign needs to be dug up it has to happen on my days off. Please keep these limitations in mind when placing your order.  Thank you for your patience as we go through this transitional stage.

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Email: help@edensblooms.com