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New Harvest! We have reduced the price for a limited time in order to move these as quickly as possible.
These may take an more than the 10 buiness day to ship due to digging time.
Once the darling of a few collectors, Lycoris Sprengeri is now attainable because of the recent expansion of trade with China. It is a spring foliage type and therefore should be cold-hardy at least to zone 6. Its native habitat is the moist, wooded slopes of Eastern China. The pink flowers are overlayed with shocking blue, and the exact color combination changes as the flowers age. Blooms in later summer. Although tollerant of dry periods, it does best with regular moisture. As with all Lycoris, it is recommend that you plant shallowly, with the top of the bulb close to the surface. The leaves will remain dormant until spring, but planting earlier will give a chance for roots to establish themselves.
We sell large blooming size bulbs, aproximately 10 cm around but subject to some variation depending on what we dig up. Although we take care to send the freshest bulbs possible, it is common for Lycoris to sulk for a year or so after transplanting before blooming in late summer.
Plant in partial to full shade, in well drained humus soil. Plant, 1-2 inches deeper than the top of the bulb as soon as possible so roots can start getting established. The bulbs will pull themselves down to their ideal dept. DO NOT plant more than 2 inches deeper than the top of the bulb as the bulb will expend all it's energy making another bulb on top of the existing bulb. Water thoroughly when first planted then soak twice a month if you don't have regular rain fall.
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$12.99 $6.99
3 - 9
$11.99 $5.99
10 - 29
$9.99 $5.49
$8.99 $4.99