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Free Shipping on orders over $300!
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These were sold to me as Lycoris Sprengeri, but they are obviousely mixed. I have seen blooms which include Sprengeri (tie die blue lycoris), Incarnata, and Squamigera (to a lesser amount). There are also some flowers which don't really fit any of these, but they are usually pink or pink & white. This is a limited opportunity to get some spectacular species at a fraction of the usual price. Plant in partial to full shade, in well drained humus soil. Plant, 1-2 inches deeper than the top of the bulb as soon as possible so roots can start getting established. The bulbs will pull themselves down to their ideal dept. DO NOT plant more than 3 inches deeper than the top of the bulb as the bulb will expend all it's energy making another bulb on top of the existing bulb. Water thoroughly when first planted then soak twice a month if you don't have regular rain fall.
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